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Pet Plan Area Festival 2023

Welcome to the Kingswood Area Festival 2023 Page. We wish you all a very enjoyable and successful show. We will be updating this page as we near the event with information relevant to the running of the show so please check back regularly.

Updates will be posted in RED

Site Access and Driving Here

The A41 diversion that we were told would be in place is now not relevant. The road is completely clear and the best route to the centre is via A41 – from Junction 3 of M54 or your usual routes.

Rider Biography

Please complete this form and email it to support@kingswoodec.com before lunchtime on Thursday. We can’t guarantee to access any after this time. It’s an adobe form so you can complete it digitally on your computer – or print and complete in pen. Your choice.


The show photographer is Kevin Sparrow. Photos from the event are only online and will be on his website at http://www.kevinsparrow.co.uk


When available will be on our entry site at https://entries.kingswoodec.co.uk within each day of the event.


Now available here

Please note that we have done our very best to accommodate every request, however, if 95% of the class wish to go late it is inevitable that this is impossible to action. We are also not mind readers, so if you didn’t tell us something important we can’t use that information when doing the times.

You may see someone with “better” times than you – the chances are that they have requested something when they entered and we do try to accommodate these requests if we can.

Now they are published they will not be changed unless we have withdrawals.

Your allocate time is to be going down the centre line so please help the running of the event by being ready.

Arena Walks and Familiarisation


0820 – 0840 | 1255 – 1305


0730 – 0750 | 1240 – 1250 | 1610 – 1620


0730 – 0750 | 1245 – 1255 | 1630 – 1640

All arena walks must be mounted and you must be wearing your bridle numbers. This is in walk only and under the supervision of a steward or member of the Kingswood team.

We also have a programme of hire for the arena – no cars but otherwise set up as it will be. You can book here

Stewards & Tack Check

BD stewards will be managing the collecting ring and tack checking at the end of the test. Please make sure you are familiar with the official rules on what is and is not permissible at this show.

BD have an area festival hub and that may be found here – https://www.britishdressage.co.uk/petplan-equine-area-festivals-hub/

Arena Plans

The competition will be held in our main outdoor arena and warming up in the indoor arena.

Prize Givings

Mounted Prize Givings – times will be posted on the day but as a rule they will be approximately 20 minutes after the last horse.


Our cafe will be open for this event from the first to the last entry.

Helpers and supporters

Are very welcome to attend the event but please leave dogs behind or in your vehicles as they are not allowed around the centre.


This is always an awkward subject – but BD Rule 62a makes the position quite clear.

No refunds, regardless of reason, will be offered to anyone withdrawing from this competition once the close of entries has passed.